Italian public television (RAI) entirely under Creative Commons!

The Italian Government has prepared the new guidelines for the Italian public television (RAI).
It is delightful to read that one of them is:

  • (in Italian) offrire all’utenza, nell’ambito della licenza nome come Creative Commons, la possibilita’ di scaricare via Internet tutti i contenuti radio-televisivi prodotti dalla RAI mediante proventi dei canoni di abbonamento;
  • (in English) offer, under a Creative Commons licence, the possibility to download through Internet all the radio and television content produced by RAI using the mandatory subscription fees;

I must admit that I’m profoundly surprised but, hey, this is probably one of the effect of having a passionate blogger as Minister of Communications.
Thanks to Stefano Quintarelli for the good news, you can read more of the guideline on his blog (in Italian): another very interesting point is the mention to incentive the upload of user-generated content on
Since this post is too optimist, let me quote the last sentences of Stefano:
this are 3 steps in the right direction, the very right direction, the VERY RIGHT direction.
(well, Italy is Italy and after 3 steps forward it is always possible to make 6 steps backward)

[via punto-informatico]

3 thoughts on “Italian public television (RAI) entirely under Creative Commons!

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  3. Maurizio Calabrese

    The Sanremo Festival is a tradition, now in it’s59th year, and has always represented the Italian melodic song competition at it’s best possible way..and here I want to impress to any low life opposers of this event, that it is what it is! A Competition ! In the past, the basic requirements, were that they have to be presented for the first time in pubblic on that stage. Normally who won had the best liricks and easy tune of music that most people cought on and sang it or whisled it….I am sorry to say and would like to know who approved such songs that contains unsavory words and (I wouldn’t classify as such) musicians that can’t be in tune…..has the Italian pubblic accepted litterly Trash in their Festival and lowered the standards to that of American Getto Rappers?! Because that’s the only category who listen to such filth…..where are the REAL ITALIANS, protesting to the garbage thrown at them and having to vote for?! Over all it was “innovative” presentation, this year with Bonolis…..welcomed change, but live out the trash..please! Should not be a pulpit for political,religious or sexual preference….let it be was it was intended for…melodic love songs……competing against other melodic love songs…let it be for what it was started 59 years ago, and have the proud affirmative record of the Italian love songs heard through out the world..and loved for : Arrivederci Roma, Nel Blue Dipinto di Blue etc, etc.!

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