For the previously mentioned paper, I created a small Firefox extension called SemanticLinks. The purpose? Showing VoteLinks, rel=”nofollow” and information about the linked resource by appending a small icon near the link text (anchor text). SemanticLinks is a simple change of TargetAlert to which I just added a 1%. You can find more information about SemanticLinks and how to install it on the SemanticLinks page. You might also want to see some screenshots.
I know Greasemonkey. I use the Butler extension to degooglify google ;-)
If you are able to create such a Greasemonkey extension let me know, however for showing an icon near the _blank links the targetAlert extension does the job (and mine as well since it just adds support for votelinks and rel=nofollow but keeps all the other features)
have you seen this?
simply great!