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The Politics of Open Source Adoption. It is very interesting and so present. It is on a wiki so you can edit it (and the 2 best new contributions will receive prizes of $250)
Some chapters: The European Politics of F/OSS Adoption, LiMux—Free Software for Munich, Source vs. Force: Open Source Meets Intergovernmental Politics, FOSSFA in Africa: Opening the Door to State ICT Development Agendas – A Kenya Case Study, NGO’s in the Developing Worlds, Legal Uncertainty in Free and Open Source Software and the Political Response, F/OSS Opportunities in the Health Care Sector.
This wiki is an invitation to collaborate on a real-time history and analysis of the politics of open source software adoption. The Social Science Research Council is pleased to offer a first version of this account—POSA 1.0. For our purposes, understanding the ‘politics of adoption’ means stepping back from the task of explaining or justifying Free and/or Open Source Software (F/OSS) in order to ask how increasingly canonical explanations and justifications are mobilized in different political contexts. POSA 1.0 tries to map the different kinds of political and institutional venues in which F/OSS adoption is at stake. It tries to understand important institutional actors within those venues, and the ways in which arguments for and against F/OSS are framed and advanced. It seeks to clarify the different opportunities and constraints facing F/OSS adoption in different sectors and parts of the world. It is an inevitably partial account that–we hope–can be extended and deepened by other participants in these processes. We would like your help in preparing POSA 2.0.
(via BoingBoing)




* Structure
* Conclusions
* References

The European Politics of F/OSS Adoption


* The EU Political Framework: Why Free Software?
o Overall Societal Benefits
+ Universal Access or “eInclusion”
+ Independence, Local Control and Local Economic Growth
+ Transparency and Democratic Accountability
o Pragmatic Arguments
+ Interoperability, Proprietary Standards and Vendor Lock-in
o Security
o Cost
* Policy and Practice in EU Member States
o EU-level Policy and Actions
o Germany and France
o Other Countries
o The Extremadura Case
* Conclusion

LiMux—Free Software for Munich


* Background: The Growing Acceptance of Free Software
* Munich’s Starting Position
* First Phase: Evaluating the Alternatives
* Intermezzo: A Visit from Redmond
* Second Phase: Working Out the Details
* Other European Citites: a Domino Effect?
* Third Phase: A “Soft” Migration
* Intermezzo: Software Patents
* First Results and Next Steps
o Next Steps
* Conclusions
* Notes
* References

Source vs. Force: Open Source Meets Intergovernmental Politics


* Introduction: National Governments and Open Source
* Open Source @ Intergovernmental.Org
o United Nations Development-Related Agencies
+ UN Development Program (UNDP)
+ UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
+ UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
+ UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
o World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
o UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
* The Empire Strikes Back: Reaction by States and Software Firms
* Conclusion: The Value of Intergovernmental Forums for Open Source
* Notes
* References

FOSSFA in Africa: Opening the Door to State ICT Development Agendas – A Kenya Case Study



* The Economic and Political Dynamics of the African ICT Sector
* The Kenyan Case: Background
* Telecommunications
* Private Sector Support
* Alliance Building
* Conclusion

F/OSS Adoption in Brazil: the Growth of a National Strategy


* Software and Nationalism
* Conclusion
* References

NGO’s in the Developing Worlds


* Introduction
* Tactical Technologies and the Creation of a Fledging Network
* Source Camps: Challenging the “Conventional Wisdom” on F/OSS
* Resituating F/OSS: Ethical Frameworks and Conceptual Maps
* Pragmatic Justifications
* Security
* Customization and Localization
* The Broader Economic Landscape
* The Developer Community
* Notes
* References

Legal Uncertainty in Free and Open Source Software and the Political Response


* Introduction
* Sources of Legal Uncertainty for F/OSS Licenses
o Code: Ownership and Control
o License Enforcement and Interpretation Issues
* The Effect of Political and Economic Interests in F/OSS
* Current Cases
o Sitecom/Netfilter Case
o Mambo/Furthermore Dispute
o The SCO Cases
+ Competitor Reactions
+ Publicity and Response
+ The F/OSS community response to SCO
+ Whither SCO?
* Conclusion
* Notes
* References

F/OSS Opportunities in the Health Care Sector


* Challenges in the Health Care Sector
* Leading F/OSS Projects in Health Care
o Debian-Med
o OpenEMR
o OpenVista
* The Politics of F/OSS Adoption in Health Care
* Conclusion
* Notes
* References

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