Google, do hire Stan before Yahoo! does it. Stan is the author of “Outfoxed – Personalize your internet.” I didn’t play with the code yet (seems a Linux version is not yet ready at the moment, but on the way). Yes, the code is open source (Mozilla Public Licence), sweet! Anyway, the detailed description is fantastic! It is a bit like what I want to do for my PhD thesis. The difference? Stan did it! Check the site: it has a lot of interesting pages such as The Outfoxed Idea (A collection of thoughts on the theoretical aspects of Outfoxed, and the whole idea of using social networks for metadata distribution). Or at least the page A Third Phase of Internet Search in which Stan pictiorally shows the 3 phases: Naive trust –> PageRank and inferred quality –> Social networks to determine subjective quality
Every search query is a question: “What pages are most related to X?” Current search engines assume there is a single correct answer to each query. But consider a query like “Britney Spears.” (The most popular Google query for 2004.) If you’re a fan, you probably want to see her official site and maybe lyric pages. If you’re a musician, you probably want to see reviews and music tabs. Of course, current search engines can’t do this because they only consider “objective” measures like the number of links to a page. (See The good, the bad, and the subjective) What is needed is subjective, trusted ratings of the pages.
OT: thank you for your lecture in Udine!
The other day you emailed me with the question how my social bookmarking app differs from and I answered that it has search, that is you can search the full text of the bookmarked pages not only the text of the bookmark, but when I compare it to services like Outfoxed and the recent Yahoo offering I can see one more difference in my approach. With my app I want users to define the PageRank themselves by composing the available filters, I don’t assume they should choose that or that – I plan to egzamine how they do the search and optimize what seems to be the most effective way.
The other day you emailed me with the question how my social bookmarking app differs from and I answered that it has search, that is you can search the full text of the bookmarked pages not only the text of the bookmark, but when I compare it to services like Outfoxed and the recent Yahoo offering I can see one more difference in my approach. With my app I want users to define the PageRank themselves by composing the available filters, I don’t assume they should choose that or that – I plan to egzamine how they do the search and optimize what seems to be the most effective way.
The other day you emailed me with the question how my social bookmarking app differs from and I answered that it has search, that is you can search the full text of the bookmarked pages not only the text of the bookmark, but when I compare it to services like Outfoxed and the recent Yahoo offering I can see one more difference in my approach. With my app I want users to define the PageRank themselves by composing the available filters, I don’t assume they should choose that or that – I plan to egzamine how they do the search and optimize what seems to be the most effective way.
The other day you emailed me with the question how my social bookmarking app differs from and I answered that it has search, that is you can search the full text of the bookmarked pages not only the text of the bookmark, but when I compare it to services like Outfoxed and the recent Yahoo offering I can see one more difference in my approach. With my app I want users to define the PageRank themselves by composing the available filters, I don’t assume they should choose that or that – I plan to egzamine how they do the search and optimize what seems to be the most effective way.