At the moment, the Italian Blog of Beppe Grillo is 79th worldwide in the Technorati Top 100. If you think that he writes only in Italian and is probably linked to mainly by Italian blogs that are a tiny fraction of the Web, it is quite a success. At the moment, his last 4 posts received respectively 370, 978, 555, 1915 comments: quite impressive especially because all of them are in Italian. If you are interested, Wikipedia tells you who is Beppe Grillo, and of course if you want to intergrate/improuve the description, feel free. (via Luca)
Yearly Archives: 2005
Five reasons NOT to use Linux
Identity Burro: making social sites more social.
Identity Burro Project Page.
[Impatients can check the Flash video or the Screeshots or directly install the script (current version 0.4).]
Identity Burro is a Greasemonkey script for Firefox that gives quick access to all the public aspects of a person: photos, blog, preferred sites, preferred songs, etc.
Precisely, when you navigate on the Web page of a certain user on (for example) Flickr, it inserts into the Web page links to the page of the same user on ,, Technorati, CiteULike, WebJay,, Rojo, 43things, 43places, AllConsuming, LiveJournal, Simpy (see Screenshots). And of course it works also on the other sites, i.e. when you are on page of user “alice”, links to the userpage of “alice” on the other sites are shown (see Screeshots).
An example? Have it. danah seems to use consistently the nick “zephoria” on social sites so you can try the extension with her Web presence (if you prefer to first watch and then try, you can see the Flash video of what will happen).
1. Just install Identity Burro script (or see install howto ).
2. Then visit (for example) zephoria page on Flickr or zephoria page on
3. Now on the left of the flickr or danah’s page, you see a box with some icons that links to the pages of danah on the other social sites (see screenshot).
4. You can also expand the box to see more descriptive text for links (see screenshot).
5. If you click, for example, on the icon, you land to zephoria page on
6. Can you think of another? Well, feel free to add it in the comments.
So basically when you find an interesting user on, say,, you can try to see (one-click-away) her photos of Flickr, and her blog, and her preferred songs on and Webjay, and the things she wants to do on 43things, and … Of course, sometime the user will have a different nick on different sites and in this case the script is not that useful (however see possible inprouvements) but, hey, it is only one-click-away so you can give it a try anyway, right?
Possible improvements
1. Assuming that a person has the same nickname on all the social sites is of course working on very limited cases. So what do we need? We need a parent place where an user can reasonably keep a link to all her identities (and possibly expressing them with a microformat, hIdentity?), and what better than your own blog? Possibly we could use OpenID, a decentralized identity system but I haven’t thought too much about it. Do you have any suggestion?
An OpenID identity is just a URL. You can have multiple identities in the same way you can have multiple URLs. All OpenID does is provide a way to prove that you own a URL (identity). And it does this without passing around your password, your email address, or anything you don’t want it to. There’s no profile exchange component at all: your profiile is your identity URL, but recipients of your identity can then learn more about you from any public, semantically interesting documents linked thereunder (FOAF, RSS, Atom, vCARD, etc.).
2. From a visual point of view, the HTML element inserted in the HTML page (divs, links, etc) inherits the CSS style of the current site. For example if flickr would have a black background and links in shocking pink, the IdentityBurro box would have them as well. Since I would like to have the same box, with the same colors and spaces between lines and fonts in all the possible sites, the question is: there is a way to clear all the previous set styles for an element? a sort of resetStyle? or somewhere a list of how all the CSS properties are set by default? If you have suggestions, the comments may be a good place where to place them. [In the code there is the variable resetStyle
that tries to reset all the styles and it is prepended in every your_element.setAttribute("style",resetStyle+ "your specific inline css here")
3.Still some sites to be added such: furl, wist, blogmarks, tagsurf, upcoming, jots, podcast, bloglines, smugsmug, bookswelike, Any more?
4. creating an ajax method that query google or yahoo! for “<username> blog” and creates a link with the first returned result (possibly the highest in the two combined queries) with anchor text such as “guessed blog of <username>”. For the ajax-power, I guess I need to steal, … ehm, take inspiration again from the fantastic bookburro code! ;-)
5. peritus was thinking about doing something with FOAF information as well. I can’t remember now precisely what.
Thanks to:
– Jesse for providing the fabolous BookBurro Greasemonkey script and releasing it under Creative Commons “Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5”
– Peritus for improuving the script in various ways.
– The mozilla community at large for providing Firefox, a web browser it is fun to play with (and hopefully, in the process, improuve it a bit).
– Otis Gospodnetic, creator of, for sending me by email the code for adding simpy to the list of supported sites that was introduced in version 0.4.
The script code is released under a Creative Commons “Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5” (since BookBurro code was). So feel free to play with it, improuve it, redistribute it, …
How to install Identity Burro
1. Install the Mozilla Firefox browser;
2. Install the Greasemonkey extension;
3. Install the Identity Burro script (current version 0.3).
[If you have problems, check the Flash video]
Continue reading
Releasing under open licences and getting some feedback.
This still amazes me. I released some slides under Creative Commons licence time ago and I got some emails with a improuved version of the slides and some comments about typos, errors. I released IdentityBurro under Creative Commons (I would have preferred GPL but the original code of BookBurro was under CC as well because the a snippet of code Jesse used was under CC, I guess this is what virality of licences really means) and I received 2 emails of people using the code in different ways.
Jeremy wrote me “Because I learn by tinkering, I was able to pick through your script and adapt it to provide this functionality.”. His greasemonkey script, The Flickr Tag Convergence Script, allows you to search for any tag on a Flickr photo page on either or Technorati with one mouse click. The script places small icons (one for and one for Technorati) in front of each photo tag (see the screenshot). The script is also available on, another shiny creation of Jesse, BookBurro’s creator.
On the other hand, Daniel was so kind to improuve the Identity Burro code by looking over the Todo list. He added some of the other sites I listed as wanting to include (Cite-u-Like, (+audioscrobbler now that it’s completely incorporated into, 43things, 43ideas@43things, 43places, 43ideas@43places,, Rojo and LJ). He also added the shrink/collapse button I mentioned. So I played with it again, added some more funcionalities and there will be a 0.3 version of IdentityBurro in minutes.
I just want to mention that I created Identity Burro tinkering with the code of Book Burro. I met Jesse, Book Burro’s creator at AAAI, and I was amazed to meet him and I thought I had a lot to learn by looking at his code, I was right. [During his AAAI invited talk, Jay Tenenbaum showed one slide about Book Burro, and at the end of the presentation, Jesse showed up saying “you showed a slide about Book Burro, well, I created Book Burro”]. That’s amazing, I want something like that happening to me as well in future! By the way, Jesse is now visiting and he ponders about Trust – Since userscripts operate outside of the security model, a malicious userscript could send every keystroke to the bad guys. A combination of peer review, and automated testing will be used to help secure end users.. aggregates scripts but the actual code stays on the creator’s site, so I think the idea is that, say, Mark Pilgrim trust/approuves a certain Greasemonkey script and I trust Mark Pilgrim, I can install the script without examining the code line by line. What if the bad guy’s web server, mine for example, serves 90% of the time a “good” script and 10% of the time (or only to people using Windows that are probably not going to look at the code) serves a “malicious” script? Should Mark Pilgrim just trusts a generic URL or it is better to tie his trust action to a specific file content, for example associating an MD5SUM to the trusted file? More clearly, the trust action should be “I trust the script served at” or “I trust the script served at whose MD5SUM is 34GFGF94RU…”? The second provide more security but every time you release a new version, people have to restate their trust in your script by re-reading the code. So Jesse, what do you think?
AjaxOffice / WebOS / Microsoft starts shivering
Many possible titles for this entry on Kottke, and all of them means “start counting microsoft’s remaining days”. This is nothing too new for AjaxOffice-aware people but the article is very well written. A question for you: should the code running this apps be Free Software? I think so. Moreover, Kottke reasons that the entities who can create WebOS are just Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, Apple or Mozilla Foundation.
And why not the world community starting for example developing AjaxOffice on Sourceforge?
Oh, yes, I was going to forgot; the titles of the post were:
* GoogleOS? YahooOS? MozillaOS? WebOS?
* You’re probably wondering why Yahoo bought Konfabulator
* An update on Google Browser, GooOS and Google Desktop
* A platform that everyone can stand on and why Apple, Microsoft, and, yes, even Google will have to change their ways to be a part of it
* The next killer app: desktop Web servers
* Does the Mozilla Foundation have the vision to make Firefox the most important piece of software of this decade?
* Web 3.0
* Finally, the end of Microsoft’s operating system dominance
Wikipedia shines also on Google Talk.
Yesterday I was looking for the wikipedia page for google talk. It was saying something like “… Google is rumored to be developing …” (see historic version). Today I reload the page and there is complete page full of details. There is also an Easter Eggs section! Already! And it was released today!! Wow, wikipedia is really collective knowledge at power!
Since it is only for Windows, I have no chance to try GoogleTalk and anyway I don’t miss it at all.
In the meantime, I try to guess the next subdomain will be but the link for now leads somewhere else …
Migrating MovableType to a 64 bits machine.
I wasted some hours on this few days ago so I think I want to share this information. We changed server and the new machine is a 64 bit one. The perl module was giving me this error
An error occurred: Byte order is not compatible at ../../lib/ (autosplit into ../../lib/auto/Storable/ line 363, at [path to MT directory]/lib/MT/ line 28
I yahoo!ed a lot and I found only wrong paths. For example this forum thread suggests to change the code of lib/MT/
. After a lot of attempt changing the code, I found this post. I asked by email to Roger if he solved the problem and he replied that he used the trick described at Freebsdblog. And Yes, this worked! So I copy here the solution hoping to give it higher prominence in search engines.
After changed hosting, the perl version is different on the new server, MT-Blacklist can’t read the database data due to the different byte order, error message looks like:
Plugin error: plugins/ Byte order is not compatible at blib/lib/ (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Storable/ line 363, at lib/MT/ line 28 Compilation failed in require at lib/ line 291.
The problem was fixed after I deleted all records in the table mt_plugindata.
Simple, eh? And think that I lost a lot of time changing the code of the perl module and testing it out on different machines ;-(
Hopefully, people with the same problem will find this post or the original one on freebsdblog and save a lot of time.
Any wordpress plugin for managing bibliography?
I’m (slowly) moving to wordpress. However I didn’t find any plugin for keeping a list of papers in a structured way, possibly outputting also a bibtex file for every paper. Is there one? Or is there a simple-enough solution to the problem, for example considering every paper as a specific kind of page? In the meantime, I try to ping the LazyWeb.
AjaxOffice now on SourceForge
Few weeks ago I forecasted a server-side office suite provided by Google or Yahoo! in less than one year calling it AjaxOffice. I took 6 minutes to register the project on Sourceforge and few days ago it got approuved. So we now have a AjaxOffice project on Sourceforge. The project description starts with:
AjaxOffice: A complete office suite usable via your browser. Your documents are safely stored on a server so that you don’t have to worry about backups and you can access them from every computer in the world!
AJAX OFFICE is to Microsoft Office what GMail (Google Mail) is to Microsoft OutLook
Or the free software version: AJAX OFFICE is to OpenOffice what GMail (Google Mail) is to Mozilla Thunderbird.
In case you are interested in the project, check the project and send me an email to phauly AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net.