Yearly Archives: 2008

Links for 2008 10 14

Kickoff meeting and public presentation for LiveMemories project with Ricardo Baeza-Yates from Yahoo! Research

livememories Wednesday October 22th 2008, in Trento there will be the kickoff meeting for the LiveMemories project, Active Digital Memories of Collective Life (in which I’m involved). The public workshop is open to everybody (it will be at least translated in Italian).
UPDATE: Now with blog in Italian
Check the program of the workshop or read it here below copy and pasted. There will be Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Director of the Yahoo! Research labs at Barcelona speaking about the Impact of Social Networks, Alessandro Cavalli – Professore di Sociologia, Università di Pavia, speaking about “La Costruzione Sociale della Memoria Collettiva”, Simon Delafond – Web producer – BBC, UK speaking about “BBC Memoryshare initiative” and presentations from the project partners and a collective discussion about “Quale modello per la libera circolazione della Memoria?”

I’m really looking forward for the event! If you are interested or you are coming, please let me know! See you!

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Two new joint projects with MIT

Fondazione Bruno Kessler, the research institute where I work, started two joint projects with MIT Mobile Experience Laboratory, not bad!

1) Sustainable Connected House (, FBK-MIT Mobile Experience Lab alliance.
The MIT Mobile Experience Lab, within the Design Laboratory, signed a 3 years strategic alliance with the Fondazione Bruno Kessler on July of 2008. The alliance has been promoted by the Province of Trento, Italy. Our goal is to advanced research in sustainable connected homes, including subtopics of renewable energy systems, sustainable architecture, and also social sustainability and connected information system to optimize home behavior and peoples’ life. At the end of the project, we want to build a full-scale prototype of a sustainable home with new technologies, materials, and applications.

2) Green villages (, Re-defining the sustainable green village of the future.
In partnership with Trentino Sviluppo division of the Provincia di Trento, Italy, we wanted to investigate how to transform the village of Zambana into a Sustainable Green Village. The main goal of the design workshop was to creatively redesign the village of Zambana, from an urban planning perspective, as well as from architectural and new media design perspectives. This exercise, more than giving specific directions for the implementation of the project, has opened a variety of ideas, scenarios and concepts that need to be further explored. In July 2008, the Design Lab and Mobile Experience Lab renewed our partnership with the Provincia di Trento and the Fondazione Bruno Kessler to continue the study for at least three more years.

Links for 2008 09 05

  • Influence and Correlation in Social Networks | Yahoo! Research
    By Anagnostopoulos, A.; Kumar, R.; Mahdian, M.
    14th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) (2008)
    In many social systems, social ties between users play an important role in dictating users’ behavior. One of the ways this can happen is through social influence, the phenomenon that the actions of a user can induce his/her friends to behave in a similar way. Identifying and understanding social influence is of tremendous interest from both an analysis (e.g., predicting the future of the system) and a design (e.g., designing viral marketing strategies) point of view. This is a difficult task in general, since there are many other factors that can induce statistical correlation between the actions of friends in a social network. In this paper, we propose two simple tests that can identify influence as a source of social correlation in cases where data on the time step of actions are available. (…)

  • TrustBets: Operating a Prediction Market on an IOU Network, 2008.
    Paper by Sharad Goel, Mohammad Mahdian, David M. Pennock, and Daniel M. Reeves,
    We consider the problem of operating a prediction market where players pay with IOUs instead of cash, and where in general not everyone trusts everyone else. Players declare their degree of trust in other players. The system determines what bets are acceptable according to the trust network. We show that if there are n markets, even if the markets are independent, the problem of determining whether a bet is acceptable is NP-hard. In the special case when the trust network is a tree, the problem can be solved in polynomial time using a maximum flow algorithm.

Still looking for a PhD student for LiveMemories project

There is the opportunity for a 3-years PhD scholarship at the University of Trento working with my group (SoNet) on Web2.0 and social networking at Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento. Please, consider contacting me about it!
The project you will work on is LiveMemories (, Active Digital Memories of Collective Life. From the project web site:

From a scientific / technical perspective, LiveMemories aims at scaling up content extraction techniques towards very large scale extraction from multimedia sources, setting the scene for a Content Management Platform for Trentino; using this information to support new ways of linking, summarizing and classifying data in a new generation of digital memories which are `alive’ and user-centered; and to turn the creation of such memories into a communal web activity. Achieving these objectives will make Trento a key player in the new Web Science Initiative, digital memories, and Web 2.0, thanks also to the involvement of Southampton. But LiveMemories is also intended to have a social and cultural impact besides the scientific one: through the collection, analysis and preservation of digital memories of Trentino; by facilitating and encouraging the preservation of such community memories; and the fostering of new forms of community, and enrichment of our cultural and social heritage.

Our involvement is about how Web2.0 tools can support a community in this collective building of memory. The idea is to offer a contract at FBK for around 8 months with the research institute I work on and, if we like each other, to start the PhD. If you are interested please send me an email: massa AT fbk DOT eu (if I don’t reply, it is because your email ended up in spam, please try to find other ways to contact me).

Links for 2008 08 01

You are invited at the DolomitiCamp, a BarCamp in Trentino mountains, 24 august 2008!

Together with my friends, napo, ket and franz, we decided to organize the first DolomitiCamp, just as a BarCamp but in a mountain hut in the wonderful Dolomites in Trentino, Italy! Because geeks need some physical exercise too. And some fresh air sometimes. ;)
So please, register in the DolomitiCamp wiki page!

When? Sunday 24th August 2008. A bit close in time and space there is the BlogFest which is going to be an amazing event in Riva del Garda, 12, 13, 14 September 2008. But we thought we would organize the DolomitiCamp anyway, the DolomitiCamp would be perfect if you are already close to Trentino in holidays. But also for coming just for this weekend. As written on the the DolomitiCamp wiki page, the day before, Saturday 23th August there is a free concert by Tetes des Bois in Val Rendena in the Suoni Delle Dolomiti festival, great musicians playing outdoor in the Dolomites.

Where? Rifugio Segantini (see the map at the end of this post). In Alta Val d’Ámola, Presanella, (mt. 2371), Trentino, Italia. One hour and 19 minutes from Trento.

Is there Internet connection? Yes, it was recently installed. But, since we need to make the final tests, it would be great if you can register in the DolomitiCamp wiki page.
There is also a dolomiticamp user on facebook who you can friend and the dolomiticamp event on facebook which you can subscribe to and the DolomitiCamp group on Facebook which you can join.

I see you on 24th August 2008 on Trentino mountains, ok?

Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

The Rules of DolomitiCamp (derived from The Rules of BarCamp)
* 1st Rule: You do talk about DolomitiCamp.
* 2nd Rule: You do blog about DolomitiCamp.
* 3rd Rule: If you want to present, you must write your topic and name in a presentation slot.
* 4th Rule: Only three word intros.
* 5th Rule: As many presentations at a time as facilities allow for.
* 6th Rule: No pre-scheduled presentations, no tourists.
* 7th Rule: Presentations will go on as long as they have to or until they run into another presentation slot.
* 8th Rule: If this is your first time at BarCamp, you HAVE to present. (Ok, you don’t really HAVE to, but try to find someone to present with, or at least ask questions and be an interactive participant.)