- Changehowwepay.com: paypal opening the platform and asking for ideas (crowdsourcing) – How will you change the way we pay?
We’re opening our platform and we’d love to hear your feedback on what to use it for.Whether it’s something simple, something world-changing or even something that seems impossible, your thoughts are worth sharing.
- By A Nose: Netflix Prize Leaders One-Upped With One Day Remaining
Netflix promised a $1 million Prize in 2006 to anybody able to improve the performance of their Recommender Systems algorithm by 10%. 29 days ago, BellKor’s Pragmatic Chaos did it with a 10.08% improvement! So the rules say all the team had one final month to try everything. And today, when few hours remain, another team, The Ensemble, went down to a 10.09% improvement!!! Frantic moments for BellKor and their chance to win 1.000.000 dollars!!! - Evolution of a Revolution: Visualizing Millions of Iran Tweets
How to algorithmically discover and deploy novel social structures is perhaps the billion, or trillion, dollar question. With Twitter, the data and API are in place. And if the history of computation is any guide, once programming a system becomes possible, progressing from a hack to an application to a platform is only a matter of time.
Links for 2009 07 26
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