The long tail: economy is changing!
“Forget squeezing millions from a few megahits at the top of the charts. The future of entertainment is in the millions of niche markets at the shallow end of the bitstream.
By Chris Anderson”
Tag Archives: Alternative Economy
Cory Doctorow’s Microsoft Research DRM talk … in Italiano e in MP3
Daypop today tells us that the most linked URL is Cory Doctorow’s Microsoft Research DRM talk. Cory released it under a Creative Commons licence and people start doing creative actions with the content. In fact, you find an MP3 version and even an Italian translation on a Wiki (by Luca Lizzeri)! Fantastic!
A must read (or a must hear?!? I cannot wait to listen Cory uttering the “arrr”s you find in the text ;-)
World66, another collaborative travel guide
Since I spoke of WikiTravel, I like to mention World66. That seems a lot more advanced.
I’m wondering if my next holidays will be based on a work licenced under a Creative Commons licence. That would be great!
World Economic Forum Davos 2004 included a session on blogs
Even if I’m more interested in the World Social Forum 2004 (see also on Rediff), it is worth noting that the World Economic Forum 2004 included a session on blogs!
It is good or bad that this group of people started to speak in public about blogs? We’ll see but I’m very unconfident.
Read more on Whiskey Bar or read some quotes I extracted from the article (since its content is released under a Creative Commons licence, it is perfectly legal to reproduce it here and to share it):
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Christmas Gift Exemption
I strongly believe Christmas is all but about exchanging unuseful material things.
If you want to give me a gift, give me a call, a kiss, a thought but nothing material, please.
Or better donate to Emergency or Medici Senza Frontiere or to another organization that works for constructing peace.
You can download your Buy Nothing Day Gift Exemption Voucher at
Happy non-buying Christmas to everyone in the world!
Brazil is our last hope
If I look at the situation of democracy around the globe, I feel really bad. I think our last hope is Brazil and Lula and the participatory democracy adopted in Porto Alegre.
But this post is about free software.
Brazil believes that free software is an excellent tool for the democratization of knowledge, foreign currency savings, and the optimization of institutional investments and costs. The model also offers perspectives for Brazilian industries to research, create, and develop new free software programs.
Source: Brazzil (found on WorldChanging).
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“European cows get a subsidy of $2.50 a day. We have 3 billion people in the world who live under $2 a day.”
President of the World Bank James D. Wolfensohn said “European cows get a subsidy of $2.50 a day. We have 3 billion people in the world who live under $2 a day. Japanese cows get $7.50 a day subsidy.” Reference: James Wolfensohn: Excerpts of Christian Science Monitor Interview on Poverty and Globalization, near the end of page. Or google.
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Why didn’t you go to study to Russia?

Myself wearing the t-shirt “I did not vote for Berlusconi”
I was speaking with some guy who asked me “So you’re what? A communist?”.
I replied “Well, kind of…”.
At this moment another one came in with “So why didn’t you go to study to Russia?”.
It was not said with bad mood, just with simplicity. This made me wonder what this guy thinks about Russia.
We spoke a little bit about what we think communism is and capitalism is but eventually we shortly ended up drinking more beer.
So the lesson is clear: don’t wear “communist costumes” at Halloween parties in US. ;-)
E’ il dodicesimo anno
“L’assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite ha adottato una risoluzione di condanna dell’embargo deciso dagli Stati Uniti contro Cuba. E’ il dodicesimo anno consecutivo che l’Onu adotta questa risoluzione.”
Faccio una previsione, l’anno prossimo sara’ il tredicesimo.
Italia: la finanziaria specula sui poveri del mondo
Dure critiche alla Legge finanziaria 2004 da parte dell’Associazione delle ONG Italiane che in un comunicato denuncia la “scandalosa proposta di tagliare del 15% i fondi destinati alla cooperazione”, mentre viene istituito un Fondo di riserva di 1.200 milioni di Euro per “provvedere ad eventuali esigenze connesse con la proroga delle missioni internazionali di pace”.
E’ il caso che la finanziaria incominciamo a farla dal basso