MediaWiki Extension – Kaltura’s Collaborative Video xml tag extension
Allows wiki users to embed Collaborative Video widgets on any article page. The flash-based widget serves as a player for the collaborative video and also allows wiki users to add rich media to the video and edit the video collaboratively.
Extension:SocialProfile – MediaWiki
The following package of extensions will incorporate a social profile, user board, and basic profile information into MediaWiki, specifically Avatars, Friending, Foeing, User Board, Board Blast, and basic Profile Information. The package also notifies use :: Web 2.0 tossed aside in favor of Web3.14159265358979323846…
;-) O’Really has copyrighted the term, "Web3.14159265358979323846…," and says he will "vigorously defend our exclusive use of it in court, no matter how many rounds we have to fight with the ‘information wants to be free’ pukes who use the Web to run ro
Wikis Home –
An example of openess and transparency from a corporation. Sun Wiki. This is where contributors inside and outside of Sun Microsystems can share information with each other, and with the world.
Main Page –
UNICEF uses wiki, opensource, SMS to connect kids – UNIWiki is way of thinking, that looks for as many ways to connect people as possible.
First Rule of Usability? Don’t Listen to Users (Alertbox)
To design an easy-to-use interface, pay attention to what users do, not what they say. Self-reported claims are unreliable, as are user speculations about future behavior.
OpenSpime » ETech presentation (video and slides)
David Orban’s presentation of OpenSpime at Etech (video and slides). Sterling: "These guys are a tech start-up from Torino who chose to name themselves “OpenSpime.†They’re into ubiquitous computation in the service of sustainability"
Infrastructure for an open Internet of Things. From Italian minds! "Bruce Sterling suggested the creation of a new type of technological device, called "spime", that through pervasive RFID communications and GPS navigation can track its history and intera
Rethinking Recommendation Engines – ReadWriteWeb
In this post we argue that the improvement in recommendation engines is not an algorithmic problem, but rather a presentation issue. Respinning recommendations as filters and delivering them without setting high expectations is more likely to yield progre
Social Innovation Camp » Welcome
What happens when you get a bunch of software developers and social innovators together, give them a set of social problems and only 48 hours to solve them? 4th April 2008 – London
Scientists shun Web 2.0 | The Register
A panel of science web publishers said scientists had consistently shunned wikis, tagging, and social networks, and have even proven reticent to leave comments on web pages.
Crowdsourcing for reporting live illegal immigration across the border
In January 2008, the State of Texas will install 200 mobile cameras along the Texas-Mexico border, which will allow anyone with an internet connection to watch the border and report sightings of alleged illegal immigrants to border patrol agents.
Crowdsourcing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Crowdsourcing is a neologism for the act of taking a task traditionally performed by an employee or contractor, and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people, in the form of an open call.
Citizen science – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search Citizen science is a term used for a project or ongoing program of scientific work in which a network of volunteers, many of whom may have no specific scientific training, perform or manage research-related tasks such as o