Tag Archives: Free software

Mozilla poetry

And so at last the beast fell and the unbelievers rejoiced. But all was not lost, for from the ash rose a great bird. The bird gazed down upon the unbelievers and cast fire and thunder upon them. For the beast had been reborn with its strength renewed, and the followers of Mammon cowered in horror.
    from The Book of Mozilla, 7:15
    (Red Letter Edition)

Read about The Book of Mozilla on Wikipedia.
(found via Kevin)

It is written in the stars … Firefox

According to w3schools stats, Mozilla usage is growing fast.
The latest figures state that Mozilla had a 9.0 percent usage share in February, up from 8.2 percent in January. The W3Schools data indicates that Mozilla’s usage share has more than doubled in the last twelve months.

In the meantime even the stars seem telling you: “Use Firefox“. (Via Adot)

Microsoft: “don’t click on links!”

noIE.gif (Via BoingBoing) Microsoft’s crapware browser, Explorer, has more security vulnerabilities than my block has dope-dealers, but this is ridiculous. MSFT now advises its users to not click links, but rather to type them in by hand:
Micro$oft says:The most effective step that you can take to help protect yourself from malicious hyperlinks is not to click them. Rather, type the URL of your intended destination in the address bar yourself. By manually typing the URL in the address bar, you can verify the information that Internet Explorer uses to access the destination Web site. To do so, type the URL in the Address bar, and then press ENTER.

It’s like if a door constructor would say: “Since we are not able to make good doors, don’t touch the handle because you could get hurted”. In a competitive market, this productor would be out of the market in few seconds.

The alternative? Easy! Download Mozilla or Firebird.
Mozilla is a wonderful browser, is Free Software (Free as in Freedom) and works perfectly also on M$Windows.
Note also that Mozilla has now a global usage share of 1.8% and is increasing.

Revolution OS review

J.T.S. Moore: Revolution OS

Revolution OSI really liked this movie. It is not easy to make a movie about free software and not to make it boring or too technical. I think J.T.S. Moore made a great job and he didn’t commit any mistake with definitions of free software, open source, GNU, Linux, … or at least not a mistake I was able to spot out.
I like to put here an excerpt from the movie, one that made me feel part of something really great.

a final thought from the man who started it all:
“the all GNU project is really one big hack, it’s one big hack of subversive playfull cleverness, to change society for the better, because I’m always interested in changing it for the better … but in a clever way”
Richard M. Stallman

I like to put here an excerpt from the movie, one that made me feel part of something really great.

a final thought from the man who started it all:
“the all GNU project is really one big hack, it’s one big hack of subversive playfull cleverness, to change society for the better, because I’m always interested in changing it for the better … but in a clever way”
Richard M. Stallman



Brazil is our last hope

Lula Ignazio da Silva, Brasil PresidentGNU (GNU's Not Unix)
If I look at the situation of democracy around the globe, I feel really bad. I think our last hope is Brazil and Lula and the participatory democracy adopted in Porto Alegre.

But this post is about free software.
Brazil believes that free software is an excellent tool for the democratization of knowledge, foreign currency savings, and the optimization of institutional investments and costs. The model also offers perspectives for Brazilian industries to research, create, and develop new free software programs.
Source: Brazzil (found on WorldChanging).
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