Tag Archives: Mozilla

My first Firefox extension: SemanticLinks

For the previously mentioned paper, I created a small Firefox extension called SemanticLinks. The purpose? Showing VoteLinks, rel=”nofollow” and information about the linked resource by appending a small icon near the link text (anchor text). SemanticLinks is a simple change of TargetAlert to which I just added a 1%. You can find more information about SemanticLinks and how to install it on the SemanticLinks page. You might also want to see some screenshots.

50.000.000 downloads for Firefox!

Congrats! 50.000.000 downloads for Firefox!!! I think this is the best way to let “normal people” know what free software (or open source) can achieve, and it also demonstrates fantastically how the proprietary software development model lacks behind hundreds of years when considering features. extensions, security, …. everything! Go on, keep choosing freedom!

Mycroft Firefox Taggregator

Matt has created a bookmarklet for adding Technorati tags (via boingboing). And there is also a bookmarklet for searching Technorati tags. So I thought I might create a mycroft search engine plugin for Firefox and Mozilla that could search Technorati tags. However it seems that now, Mozilla only supports plugins that work with the GET method (those URLs with "?somename=somevalue&othername=othervalue" in them) and Technorati Tags page does not use this approach (see as an example the page for the tag “simple”). So I felt back to the really first aggregator of tags, Taggregator, whose pages do use the GET method: see for instance Taggregator page about tag “simple”.
In the process, I discovered that creating a Mycroft plugin is incredibly simple thanks to the generator.

So if you like, you may add Taggregator search engine plugin to your Mozilla, Firefox or Netscape7 browser.

Secunia: “use another product”

Secunia‘s report:
Some extremely critical vulnerabilities have been discovered in Internet Explorer, which can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a user’s system, conduct cross-site/zone scripting and bypass a security feature in Microsoft Windows XP SP2.
Solution: Use another product.
” (found via wikilab)
Seriously, if you are still using the most bugged browser of history, drop it and jump on the shiny Mozilla Firefox.
[This is the second anti-micro$oft post. In Italy we say “non c’e’ due senza tre” (there is no two without the three), so you know what next entry will be about ;-)]

There IS an alternative!

SpreadFirefox team has chosen a key phrase I terribly like: “There is an alternative“. Actually, my preferred one is TIAAA (There Is Always An Alternative) as opposed to TINA (There Is No Alternative), often used by Thatcher and neoliberists in general to argue how capitalism is the only possible choice and you should be mad in trying to think and build something different. However this post is not about slogans but about the 2 full pages ad promoting Firefox in The New York Times (image). On the left page, the Firefox logo is built with all the names of the people who have contributed (PDF). Cool!

No Internet Explorer Information Bar added

As I wrote before, I inserted in my blog the No Internet Explorer Information Bar. If you are reading this lines with a InternetExplorer, you should see an information bar saying “Internet Explorer is preventing you from having a better Internet experience. Learn more”. Clicking on it should lead you to browsehappy.com.
Let me know if this addition broke something.

Mozilla-based Google Browser

Browse Happy logoWill Google develop a Google browser based on Mozilla? I hope so, everyone trusts Google and will surely download a “browser recommender by Google” (Blogger, owned by Google, already recommends Firefox). See Kottke and Anil for more info.
Anyway, do you Browse Happy? If not, it’s because you should get Mozilla Firefox; it’s even written in the stars.