Very interesting article about Many-to-Many: Social Capital as Credit
But the point is you can’t monetize social capital in aggregate, because it operates at a micro-scale. (…) The value of social capital is local, but its impact is global.
Very interesting article about Many-to-Many: Social Capital as Credit
But the point is you can’t monetize social capital in aggregate, because it operates at a micro-scale. (…) The value of social capital is local, but its impact is global.
I’ve just used blam! in this review of Revolution OS.
Basically blam! add some semantic information to your blog entry when this is a review. The semantic information can be understood by a computer program so that it will be possible to, for example, aggregating all the reviews about a certain book or movie.
Read about OpenReviews and their possible uses from Accordion Guy.
I’m planning to do something similar for my project CoCoA.
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I’ve just finished reading a very interesting paper Trust Management for the Semantic Web by Matthew Richardson, Rakesh Agrawal, and Pedro Domingos.
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There is a very interesting article on Business, Business 2.0. The Technology of the Year: Social Network Applications
Social networking applies the power of the network to one of the most fundamental problems in all of business: finding the person who has the critical information you need, right when you need it.
There are all the cool companies playing the game: SixDegrees, Spoke, VisiblePath, Friendster, RyzeIn, ZeroDegrees. There is a mention about CIA interested in using these ideas and the article finishes with an important concern about privacy.
My Erdös Number is 5.
Erdös numbers have been a part of the folklore of mathematicians throughout the world for many years.
Essentially, the Erdos Number Project studies research collaboration among mathematicians.
If you are curious about your Erdos number, you can compute it.
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As part of my PhD program, I’ll spend the next 3 months at the University of Maryland. I’ll stay here until January 17, 2003.
I also opened up a photo gallery in which I’ll post photos taken here.
The Second International Conference on Trust Management will take place in the historic city of Oxford, UK, from the 29th March to the 1st of April 2004.
I must send a paper. Deadline: 1 December 2003